How Can Employers Help Injured Employees?

In March 2021, job openings for small businesses reached a record high, and around 42 percent of these openings remain unfilled. Even as some businesses have increased the wage offers, many people are still not keen on applying for these jobs. Many of them look beyond wages since they focus on other benefits these businesses can offer, such as childcare and medical coverage.

In this situation, employers will also need to assure their employees that it will help them if they get injured, especially while at work. This will encourage people to apply for a job in the business. Here are the things the employer should do in case an employee is injured while working.

Dealing with Work-related Injuries

The first thing an employer should do when an employee gets injured while at work is to get immediate medical attention. They should call emergency services to bring the employee to the hospital. Then, the employer should contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) if the injury is severe. The agency has a hotline that employers can call in case of emergencies.

The employer should also follow its emergency plan for these types of injuries. If the employer does not have a plan, it should consider making one since it allows him to prepare for anything. The plan should have the details showing what the employer should do in emergencies.

As the injured employee is taken to the hospital, the employer should also prevent the same accident. It should move other employees in the area to a safe place. The employer should also check the situation and determine the severity of the accident and its cost. This allows employers to decide whether they should file a claim or not.

While reviewing the situation, the employer should take photos of the accident site and the employee’s injury. He should take note of any injury, no matter how small it is. Additionally, he should get a statement from other employees who witnessed the accident.

The employer should also be transparent with both the employee and insurance company during filing workers’ compensation.

Dealing with Non-work Injuries

When it comes to injuries incurred out of work, the employee cannot file for workers’ compensation benefits since they are only applicable when the employee gets injured while working. In this case, separate health insurance can cover the cost of treatment. This is likely one of the benefits people are looking for in the companies they are considering.

insurance claim

Limitations to Work Injury Compensation

Many states require workers’ compensation insurance for businesses that have employees. But there are exceptions to this rule in specific industries. Businesses do not need to provide insurance to agricultural workers, domestic workers, and seasonal workers.

These workers will have to deal with their medical bills in case they get injured while working. But if these workers are independent contractors, their main company may provide workers’ compensation insurance for them.

Work-related Injuries

Workplace injuries are injuries that employees suffer while going about with their normal work activities. The leading causes of these workplace injuries include slipping and falling where the employee slips on a wet office floor or ice just outside the office. They can also get injured while using an improper lifting technique. This situation can result in an immediate injury or tendinitis due to repetitive stress on a body part.

When an employee figures in a car accident while driving for business purposes, it’s considered a work injury. If the employee suffers an injury due to a vehicular accident out of work, employers can assist them by connecting the employee with a reliable car accident lawyer. The attorney can help the employee get compensation in case the accident was not his fault.

These are just some common workplace injuries, but some injuries are specific to a certain industry. For instance, construction workers may suffer injuries that an accountant will never experience while at the workplace.

Processing Work Injury Compensation

Processing compensation for a work-related injury can be challenging, especially for employees who have no idea about the process. In these cases, the employer can help them by initially seeking medical care for them. Then, the employees should file a report together with the employer to start the compensation process.

The employer should also document the injury and gather information about it. Since the states have time limits on the filing of the claims, the employer should help employees to make sure they receive the benefits.

To entice people to apply for a job with them, employers should show them that they offer benefits and assistance if the employees get injured while working.

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